Saturday, February 04, 2006

I've Always Liked the Danes, but I'm Not Muslim; Or: Buy More Havarti and Legos

After viewing this video which I think sums up the Islamic culture war situation pretty well (although it doesn't go into much depth), my reaction was to note how much shame is a part of so much of Muslim culture. Is Islam so weak, it cannot withstand a little blasphemy in a part of the world where blasphemy of all types is now the norm? And why are so many of these protesters hiding their faces?

And after hearing an English apologist for Muslim anger over the Danish cartoons, I wondered if he was standing the Muslim reaction on its head. Europeans learning to hate again? Huh? Doesn't this fellow know that when the Germans invaded Denmark, the Danish Jews had the support of their gentile countrymen? Or perhaps since so many Islamists hate Jews (actually, I think it's required) they still hold that against the Danes?

If Europeans are learning to hate, maybe they're taking a cue from the Middle East and its emigres. In so much of the Muslim world hate seems NEVER to have gone out of style. Read the signs in the video. Compare them to the cartoons. Which is more threatening? Is it any wonder when crowds take to the streets in the West urging death to anyone who doesn't like Islam Westerners fall prey to the urge to stereotype?

When moderate Muslims compare Western freedom of the press to Hitlerian propaganda, they miss the opportunity to EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE to their co-religionists. Religions in the West are part of the marketplace of ideas. If Islamists cannot hold their own without threatening death, beheading, etc. then they betray their own shame, self-loathing, and the anachronisms of their beliefs.


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