Friday, April 14, 2006

Does Congress Continue to Lie Down?

Yes, unless it rids us of Rumsfeld and the leadership responsible for this debacle of a war.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

A Leaking Ship of State

The recent revelation by Scooter Libby that he was authorized by President Bush to release classified information has many pointing out that when you're president, it's not illegal to release formerly classified information, since as president you have the authority to declassify it. But it also has many wondering what kind of ethical framework the administration has in place when it authorizes the outing of CIA agents merely to take revenge on someone exercising his right to free speech, i.e. Plame's husband. I think we set the bar too low when we expect the president's actions to be merely legal. Is that the best we can do? Elect a man president and hold him to the not-too-high standard that he not act criminally?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Exit Strategies

Someday, the Bush administration will be gone. What will the Republicans leave behind? An enormous national debt, tax laws that favor the wealthiest over the poor, sure, but what about the wars?

Yes, wars. Iraq is the front page news, but we're still proud owners of the world's leading opium-producing country, Afghanistan. And it's still garrisoned. Meanwhile in bases all over Iraq, our soldiers (and their many private-sector support teams forming the "tail" of the operation -- i.e. suppliers) are thinking they'll be out of there soon. They also think that Saddam was responsible for 9/11, so don't be surprised if they've been deceived.

What will replace Bush? Are we ready for what follows? Is there a part of our federal government left that can operate competently?