I've been investigating scooters - electric and gas -- mainly as a means of distracting myself from how much it is costing me to keep driving a car. Now that my family has three drivers, in true American fashion, each of us has to have a car. Previously, I worked in Worcester, where I live, and it was fairly easy to share the family car. Now, though, my stepdaughter drives, so does my wife, and I need to commute about 40 minutes or so to work each day. And the likelihood of either my wife or stepdaughter using an alternative form of transportation to go any distance in town, is pretty much nil, although my stepdaughter will walk the three blocks to her classes at Worcester State.
The difficulty is that since I'm the one who travels the most, if I'm going to get a scooter, I've got to lose a car, perhaps two (yes, I have three cars; or rather my stepdaughter has one, I have one, and my wife has one). Now I can ride as the crow flies to work and it's about 20 miles. On a decent scooter, that'll take the same amount of time as a car -- about an hour. The scooter will manage it for almost no money, while just keeping the car on the road costs thousands. Outside, the snow is falling. Perhaps I'll wait til spring.
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